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Hey Look, Blue America is Lying!

Seriously, this youtube video digby put up is an odious pack of lies.

Almost every claim is an outright lie.

Every kid in America does not now and will not get health care; that’s a myth. Health insurance companies do not have to write new plans for kids at all as of today, and once the Exchanges get going families will only have access to lousy, high deductible plans that they can’t afford to use.

‘Care’ is not equivalent to ‘bad and compulsory private insurance’, Blue Twits.

The claim about every American getting care is the same way; they deliberately conflate actual care, seeing doctors when you need to, getting drugs and procedures when you need, with insurance that may or most likely will not provide those things.

As for saving GM and Chrysler, do not make me laugh. GM saved? Did the government sell its stake and let GM become a real private company again? I forget, are they actually standing on their own two feet yet? No? Hmm. Anytime soon?

And Chrysler? Please. They’re toast and everyone knows it.

The stuff about cracking down on credit card companies and big banks and wall street is a joke. The Fin-Reg bill is ludicrously weak sauce, and even so, Obama refuses to use it to force, say, a foreclosure moratorium.

Which is just fine with the O-bot crowd.

Oh, and as for that averting a depression thing? It’s not over yet. We’re still in one, you dolts.

On and on and on the Blue America backed ad lies. Combat operations are over in Iraq? Get real. They still can call our troops in whenever they like, and we still have to help their corrupt and illegitimate government occupy its turf.

Yeesh. Anything goes, huh, Dems? I guess so, when you’re desperate.

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