Home > HCT Cheese Blog > HCT Cheese Blog – David Bacco Blue Cheese Chocolate (Fromage de Bleu)

HCT Cheese Blog – David Bacco Blue Cheese Chocolate (Fromage de Bleu)

This is a bit of a special cheese blog entry, in that it isn’t just a cheese, first of all.  It’s a chocolate with a cheese (well, partially cheese) filling.   Seriously.


Biographical Information

  • Fromage de Blue
  • Purchased from David Bacco Chocolats, Hilldale Mall
  • Price: 2 dollars a piece (roughly)

First a little background.  There is a chocolatier here in Madison called David Bacco Chocolats.  They’re located in the Hilldale Mall area, directly across from Sundance Cinemas (a great little upscale independent theatre).  They specialize in making little chocolate.. truffle like confections, with exotic ingredients and flavors.

Which brings us to the HCT Cheese Blog.  This little beauty is their Fromage de Blue (see here, fourth from top).
The flavor combination is surprisingly subtle; in fact, my roommate Jenny couldn’t taste the blue cheese.  Mostly what I got out of it was the acrid aftertaste of a blue cheese, the sort of vinegary note that lingers in your mouth after eating some.  The cheese is definitely there, but kind of… underwhelming

Honestly, I was prepared for this to be a pretty unpleasant little dessert, and it turned out to be quite palatable.  I can’t really give it a higher score on the Cheese Blog, though, as it just isn’t all that great of a showcase for the cheese.

Slightly Recommended.  3/5 Stars.

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