
Posts Tagged ‘Review’


December 30th, 2009 No comments

I’ve been meaning to write up my thoughts on Avatar after seeing it last week, on Christmas Day, or the first day of Johnus as it is known to those select non-pagans.

It’s been a difficult process.

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9 Cliches (Actually a Lot More than That)

September 10th, 2009 No comments

The following is a list of cliches from 9, mostly taken from the Grand List of RPG Cliches, to illustrate just how derivative this movie is of mediocre videogames in general. Naturally, this is full of spoilers, so be advised.

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September 10th, 2009 No comments

So my esteemed roommate and I went to see 9 last night, having desired to see it since seeing a trailer in the spring, before Coraline (I think). We rarely go to the movies anymore, because most theatres are pits full of screaming, unattended children, loud talkers, cell phone users and the like, and the movie theatre charges you an arm and a leg for the privilege of ruining whatever it is that they show. However we made an exception for 9 because a: it looked really sweet and b: it was picked up by the high-end independent theatre in town, Sundance Cinemas.

Pity things turned out the way they did.

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