
Archive for December, 2010

The Nature of ‘Unthinkable’

December 6th, 2010 No comments

John Cole over at Balloon Juice says that primarying Obama in 2012 should be, and I quote: “unthinkable”.

In context:

Another day, another suggestion to primary Obama in 2012. It’s almost like 1980 never happened.

I simply can not express in words strong enough that it would be an absolute disaster for the Democratic party if they actively attempt to primary a sitting President. You think the liberal blogs are at each other’s throats now? My word.

Why don’t we start with primarying all the blue dogs and all the intransigent Democratic Senators? That would seem to make more sense, and it might bring about a touch of party discipline. But to primary Obama? Disaster. It really should be unthinkable.

Actually, what *should* be unthinkable is supporting, let alone voting for, a man who seeks the power to murder American citizens without due process, deny prisoners of war their fundamental rights, aid, abet, cover up and continue torture around the globe, collude with giant multinationals to destroy our oceans, hand our civil liberties over to the insurance lobby for next-to-nothing in return while actively working to worsen the economy while it’s still in freefall with almost comically bad ‘Free’ trade deals.

THAT should be unthinkable. Instead, the mere thought of challenging our Imperial Majesty, High Lord of Stress Positions and Master of Bagram, Royal Consort to British Petroleum is held to be anathema. Yikes.

Truly, Obama supporters have crossed the Moral Event Horizon.

Categories: Politics Tags: ,

Thanks Obama Administration

December 6th, 2010 No comments

Just a quick post to express my deep and undying thanks to the Obama administration for not just enabling but actively conspiring with the worst actors in the financial/corporate world to poison, dispossess and/or kill as many of us as possible out here in the real world.

1) BP, which the Administration actively conspired with in order to shield the American public from the truth about the damage they caused, is now trying to weasel out of the fines they owe for the mess they made. Gee, maybe lying to the voters to convince them it was all ok wasn’t such a good idea, huh, O-bots? Now when you have to fight BP in court to try and make them pay out, they can just point to your own statements about how most of the oil magically disappeared.

Only, it didn’t, of course. Instead, as the scientists tried to say when the Obama administration was spinning its Pollyanna nonsense about the oil being ‘gone’, it has settled to the bottom, forming a massive kill zone where nothing will live for decades.

And thanks to the various Administration organs stamping approval on it, we’re fishing on top of that oily mess and feeding the poisonous result to the public.

2) Not content to poison our food, the Administration is actively conspiring with the financial sector to take our jobs, money and homes too. Having successfully fended off the notion of a foreclosure moratorium, Obama’s predatory lending program HAMP continues to destroy countless lives, the Fed (run of course by Obama’s personal rubber stamp Ben Bernanke) is looking to strip out a key protection consumers have against predatory mortgage lending, while Obama flacks for a free trade deal with South Korea that will devastate what’s left of the unions and cost an estimated 159,000 American jobs and tries to institute a pay freeze on what’s left of the federal public sector to score cheap political points.

3) Not only has Obama’s health care ‘reform’ failed to date, research suggests that even with highly, err, hopeful projections it will utterly fail to contain costs, and premiums will soar over the next decade to even more unaffordable levels:

Even with optimistic projections, the new health care law would still see premiums growing faster than income, and we’d still have by far the most costly health care on earth. This means, even assuming health care reform works well, which I highly doubt, the ever-growing cost of our health care premiums will force it to remain a critical political issue for years. It has not be fully dealt with.

So, to recap: our so-called Democratic administration is serving us poisoned food from oily waters while helping the banks steal our homes and then it turns around and ships our jobs overseas and cuts the pay on anyone still good-natured enough to try and serve their country at the Federal level.

Heckuva job, Hopey McChange.

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