
Archive for November, 2009

Why I Don’t Support ‘Health Care Reform’ and Why You Shouldn’t Either

November 11th, 2009 No comments

This post is going to be a bit long, so I’ll hide it behind a cut.

All links are followed with a number to refer to the citation in the endnotes.

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Sundays with Stephen – Week Eleven – Maximum Overdrive

November 8th, 2009 No comments

I hate you, Stephen King.

I love you too, but… oh, such hate.

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Stupak and the Individual Mandate

November 8th, 2009 No comments

I have a simple proposal. Since Bart Stupak (D for Douchebag) has decided that both the Public Option and all health insurance subsidized in the exchange will be inadequate and discriminatory against women (by denying them a vital range of basic reproductive health services while providing unrestricted reproductive health coverage to men), all women should be exempt from the individual mandate contained in the larger health bill.

It is grossly unfair to require both men and women to purchase a product, then sabotage said product so that it is harmful only to women. Since we have, as a nation, apparently decided that it is somehow immoral to provide proper and affordable women’s healthcare in either the public option or the Exchange, it is only just that we exempt women from the mandate.

Otherwise this bill amounts to nothing less than a tax on being female, and a subsidy for having a penis.

Categories: Politics Tags: