
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

It’s Important to be Right (Unless You’re Matt Yglesias)

October 6th, 2010 No comments

I don’t know why people find this so hard to understand. Matt Yglesias is never going to issue a mea culpa for his role in promoting Obama’s disastrous health care ‘reform’ bill, nor will he ever own up to his own egregious ‘mistakes’ in reporting on said legislation and its process, because being accurate or providing useful commentary is not his job. Matt Yglesias’ job is to push pro-corporate weasel policies into the ‘Progressive’ blogosphere by laundering them with pseudo-liberal language and his trademark yuppie perspective.

Relieved of the need, or even desire, to be correct, Yglesias is free to pursue the agenda that favors yuppie technocracy, and employs members of the yuppie technocratic class (like, of course, Yglesias himself). In other words, the continued privatization of core government functions and outsourcing of key government responsibilities to white collar technocrats, bureaucrats and functionaries. To that end, the health care bill creates a massive new government bureaucracy that was supposedly friendly to a Progressive goal (universal health care) but in fact advances only standard corporatist Third Way kleptocracy and lines the pockets of white collar businesses, like health insurers, drug manufacturers and so forth.

This will create many thousands of jobs for corporate tools who know how to publicly feign concern about the poor and the uninsured, while allowing Yglesias to continute penning new, equally inaccurate analyses in favor of further ‘reforms’ whose only unifying characteristic is their continued obedience to this particular, and peculiar, form of class warfare.

Hence the lack of an apology, or sense of shame. Hence his piece dismissing the confirmation of the Obama White House’s backroom deal against the Public Option and their subsequent lies and fake support for said plan, while advancing the meme that, as unfortunate as the, err, miscommunication might have been, it was all for the greater good anyway, being necessary to buy off the support of the industries that the general public is so foolish as to trust.

Or, say, his post panning a book by Markos Moulitsas about the radical right wing in this country, which he hadn’t read, for being too uncivil. Ironically titled, ‘It’s Important to be Right’

Well. Unless you’re Matt Yglesias.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Hulu Political Ads

October 5th, 2010 No comments

I watch quite a bit of anime on Hulu, and in the last week Wisconsin-specific political ads have started popping into the mix.

That’s hilarious on a number of levels, though I curse the ease with which you can look up the geographic location of an IP. Damn you, TDS, for not using a bigger dynamic pool. Damn you to hell!

Ahem. I just find it humorous that the technophobic halfwits who run our government, or in the Republicans’ case, want to do so after the election, have short ads running on Hulu. I can almost see the conversation going on now in the media consultant/demon’s offices:

Old Luddite Politician: What’s this here? 40k for ‘Hulu’? What are we spending 40 grand on hula hoops for?
Media Demon: Not ‘hula’, ‘Hulu’. It’s a video streaming service online, sort of like television you can watch on the internet.
Old Luddite: There’s TV on the internet? Next you’ll be telling me it has pornography!

I wonder if they have any controls over what content their ads show next to, or if you could get a Ron Johnson ad in some unrated T&A show, of which Hulu has, err, quite a few. That would be some messaging.

“Vote Ron Johnson, but now, back to your breasts! They’re bouncy!’

Categories: Politics Tags:

Health Care ‘Reform’ Advocates Getting Precisely What they Deserve

October 5th, 2010 3 comments

It can break your heart to see naivete go unpunished, but fortunately in this life, it rarely does so for long.

Read more…

Categories: Politics Tags: